For a partial list of our active bylaws please visit this page: BYLAWS
Have you received a ticket and wish to have it reviewed? SCREENING REQUEST FORM
To submit a request: REQUEST FORM
- Animal Control (21.2022 - Consolidated)
- Body Modification, Regulate (4/2013)
- Business Licenses Bylaw (20/2022 - Consolidated)
- Enforcement Bylaw (2.2024)
- Fire Prevention and Emergency Services (5/2021)
- Graffiti (13/2016 - Consolidated)
- Grant Bylaw (09.2023)
- Maintain Property (Unsightly) 06/2023
- Noise Control (10/2012 - Consolidated)
- Parking and Traffic Bylaw (08/2023)
- School Zones, Reduced Speeds (1/2015)
- Snowmobiles in Town of Swan River (7/1999)
- Structure Standard By-law (01/2024)
- Waste Collection Disposal and Recycling Systems (13/2019 - Consolidated)
- Water and Sewer Rate By-law (19/2016)