Town of Swan River By-Laws
This selection of by-laws is provided for informational purposes only. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy and completeness, the Town cannot guarantee legal accuracy and does not accept responsibility for loss or inconvenience suffered by users as a result of inaccuracies. Although every effort is made to keep this material current, by-laws included on this website may not reflect recent revisions.
Complete and up-to-date copies of bylaws are available at the Town Office located at our office at 439 Main Street, Swan River
Please contact the Town Office (204-734-4586) before you make any decision which is or may be affected by a bylaw.
Do you have a complaint or want to report a bylaw infraction: REPORT A PROBLEM
Any questions about our Bylaw Enforcement? CLICK HERE
Have you received a ticket and wish to have it reviewed? SCREENING REQUEST FORM
Listed below are some commonly discussed by-laws or by-laws that have been recently passed or amended. For information about other by-laws not listed here, contact the Town Office 204-734-4586 or email
- Animal Control (21.2022 - Consolidated)
- Body Modification, Regulate (4/2013)
- Business Licenses Bylaw (20/2022 - Consolidated)
- Enforcement Bylaw (2.2024)
- Fire Prevention and Emergency Services (5/2021)
- Graffiti (13/2016 - Consolidated)
- Grant Bylaw (09.2023)
- Maintain Property (Unsightly) 06/2023
- Noise Control (10/2012 - Consolidated)
- Parking and Traffic Bylaw (08/2023)
- School Zones, Reduced Speeds (1/2015)
- Snowmobiles in Town of Swan River (7/1999)
- Structure Standard By-law (01/2024)
- Waste Collection Disposal and Recycling Systems (13/2019 - Consolidated)
- Water and Sewer Rate By-law (19/2016)